Friday, May 29, 2015

The Plan (Hope) for the Future

So... The plan for the future is (hopefully in the month of June) we intend to take six people with us up to a mountain lake for about three days and two nights, just to see what happens. Were planning on giving one knife and one firesteel (aka: ferrocerium rod, magnesium fire starter) along with a few other assorted items and having two people share them. The outcome, were hoping, is to see the two "buddies" learn how to work together as well as the interesting ideas they'll come up with... two heads are better than one! Were hoping to not only do this in a mountain terrain but also seashore, desert, and plains. This is all still in the planning stages, and there shouldn't be any problems to deal with other than mosquitos. Then again, it is on a mountain...

A Fresh Start...

I know that it’s been a while since the last post so I would like to bring you up to speed. Within the past few years, our bushcraft fervor has been at a lull you might say... We didn't stop, but we definitely slowed down our pace, doing an outing every three weeks or so. My brother and I (Patrick's sons) have recently decided to move forward in the area of bushcraft. But not only in bushcraft, we've decided to open our horizon to wilderness self reliance. Anything that pricks our interest we will try to post. We will be putting hold on the Richard Graves Bushcraft Project. My brother and I felt that it was keeping us back from being able to talk about anything we wanted, closing us in a box. As great an idea as it was, we will be, again, opening our horizons to the other things out there... So, I hope that we can show how a "commoner" can do what seems far off, and at times even lofty. We will try to document everything that we do, if nothing else just to show what happens when a couple of guys try new things... So here we go, let’s see what happens...


Patrick’s son, Nate